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The Clinical Proficiency Examination (CPE) has been developed by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) and the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) National Examining Board (NEB) as the last step in assessing educational equivalency for purposes of ECFVG or NEB certification, respectively. It is intended to assess the practical clinical veterinary skills of an "entry-level" veterinarian. You can take this test only is US or Canada. 

The hands-on, performance based CPE is a 3-days long test and consists of 7-sections, clinical skills examination is administered by the faculty of a college of veterinary medicine or other authorized testing institution. The skill and knowledge level expected to receive a passing score on each section of the CPE is that of an entry-level US or Canadian veterinarian (ie, new graduate of an CVMA/AVMA-accredited veterinary school).




The seven sections of the CPE include anesthesia (canine), equine practice, food animal practice, necropsy, radiographic positioning (small animal), small animal medicine, and surgery (canine ovariohysterectomy). The CPE Manual of Administration (MOA) describes specific sections and skills to be examined and is the complete guide for CPE to all candidates.

(You can see this info on the official website of ECFVG under CPE candidate bulletin)


How to prepare?


I am preparing for this exam at the moment and will guide you soon in detail. You don't have to worry about this exam. It is one of the easiest. Just focus on BCSE and NAVLE which are really challenging exams. You have to take this exam once you reached US or Canada but for that you have to pass BCSE and NALE first. You are eligible to take this exam right after the BCSE before your NAVLE but it is not recommended to do so as it in not feasible at that time. I hope this information helps. If you have any other query you can contact me or book a one on one session of 20 minutes with me on zoom as well.


Official Website Resources: 


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